September 6, 2016

Jude 1:20 (NKJV)

‘But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit,’

Several things are necessary to survive in these last days. And one of them is that we must build up each other in the faith. As the days draw to a close, it is not enough to just build up you. You must build up others in the way of the faith. You need to seek out opportunities to invest into other people’s lives spiritually. This most holy faith is under threat and we need to support one another in order to survive. So stop thinking of yourself alone. Of course, it is critical to build your personal faith but it is also crucial to build up the faith of others. Find creative ways to invest into the spiritual lives of others around you. Some folks may not even want to come to Church but we must reach them and build their faith.

To do this, we need the strength of God. Praying in the Holy Ghost is the way to derive heavenly power. Praying in the power and under the leadership of the Holy Ghost is the way to make sure you are also praying on target. What are we doing if the Holy Spirit is not in it? I need the Holy Spirit. I need to pray for the infilling of the Holy Spirit. I can’t build up myself or anyone else except the Holy Spirit fills me and works in me and through me.

‘O Lord, I need you desperately. I need you to build me up and fill me up, and use me to build others in this our most holy faith. Please Lord Holy Spirit, if you don’t build me and fill me, I am totally useless to myself and to my community. Fill me with yourself O Lord. Fill me and use me.’


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