Psalms 5:3 (NKJV)
‘My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning I will direct it to You, and I will look up.’
I often times wake up to the thoughts of a thousand things to do. My TDT list (To Do Today list) keeps growing as I step out of my bed, and alas! before I can think God, my mind is already clouded with so many emergencies for me to handle. And then there are my phone messages and calls that keep interrupting my every waking thought. There is always one ‘critical need’ that seeks to replace God in the morning. And there is the subtle ploy of Satan.
My decision must be firm. When I wake up, I must begin by looking up. I must. I must begin by letting Him hear my voice before any other person does. I must. I must direct my heart and thoughts to You Lord, before any other. I must. Satan has cheated me enough by his multitude of emergencies but I must take back the dawn of the morning, for it solely belongs to my God.
Do you struggle with these morning plagues? We need to retake the morning dawn and place it where it belongs: at the Masters’ feet.
‘Lord, sometimes I get it right and sometimes I don’t. Sometimes, I fall for the tricks of Satan’s deceptions and he steals my early dawn and fills it with his ‘stuff’. There’s no emergency that must supersede placing my thoughts and mind before you in worship and supplication, first thing in the morning. So Lord, help me with strength to say ‘NO’ on those days where my weakness is about to let the devil rob me of the privilege of starting my day correctly with you. Amen.’