October 18, 2016

Psalms 9:4 (NKJV)

‘For You have maintained my right and my cause; You sat on the throne judging in righteousness.’

Although I really don’t deserve it, but because of God’s great mercy to me lavished through Jesus, He has maintained my cause: He has fought for me, He has stood for me, He has defended me even when I didn’t know it.

How can I thank Him enough for His great benevolence and great love extended to me? When He sees me, He sees the righteousness of Jesus and as He judges in righteousness, He is always on my side because He sees Jesus. Hallelujah and praise be to His name.

‘Lord, this morning is a morning of praise because you have extended and lavished such extreme love on me that I cannot understand it except through the eyes of Jesus. Thank you, great King and great Father, because this is a day to give you praise for all the many ways you have defended and upheld my causes. I return all glory to you, because of and through Jesus’ name. Amen.’


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