DAY 2: Open My Eyes

December 5, 2016

‘My spiritual faculties are dull but not dead O, God. Because You live in me, they are still alive but not sharp or able to perceive easily. I want to see and hear and taste this real spiritual world around me, this Mount Zion that exists in real time. I know that experiencing that depth of the divine world is not only for when we get to heaven, the heavenly world is real now and I want to see its reality and experience its reality. Grant me Lord the faith and focus on grasping that, which is already here and available to be seized. Help me overcome the tyranny of the temporal and physical world, which forces me to think of the reality of the unseen world as a thing for the next life. I believe that in this present life, I can behold and apprehend the unseen heavenly realities around; the realities chaired by my Father God Himself, who is King of both worlds and invites me to see His other world just as I see this world.

O Lord, may this not simply be an intellectual desire but may the aching desire of my heart give evidence to the reality of my hunger, and may I be elevated by faith to begin to enter this other world that beckons me to come in. This, I pray in Jesus name. Amen.’


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