Day 30: O! Shut Up

Day 30: O! Shut Up

‘O! Shut up you babbler of the 21st century, you who are so easily satisfied with the promises and experiences of modern church preachers and postures. Why trouble me with your arrogant look wherein you think you have discovered some new revelation because some...
DAY 29: I Can’t

DAY 29: I Can’t

‘I’ve tried, but I’ve failed over and over again. I am tired of trying to conform. I can’t be true to myself if I keep trying to adapt to the world. I had desired to be like everyone else, but it seems clearer to me Lord, that You don’t expect me to be like everyone...
DAY 27: I ache

DAY 27: I ache

 ‘Lord, I ache for Your return. I ache from living in this world. I struggle between the need to be fruitful here and to do all that this world expects of me, and the longing to be with You. I see You in shadows now, but I can’t wait to see You in person. The...