Psalms 6:8 (NKJV)
‘Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity; for the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping.’
O there are strange voices in my head and voices in my heart. Voices that say that the Lord has abandoned me. They say that my situation is hopeless. These voices have only one agenda: to break my hope and destroy my faith in the goodness of God. But my God is good all the time. I continue to remember my children’s Sunday school song: ‘My God is so big, so strong and so mighty; there’s nothing my God cannot do!’ That’s a song re-echoing in my heart this morning. My God is Big and Mighty and Able.
We must confront these inner voices with the voice of rebuke. We must command these voices to depart from us, for we are sure that our Lord hears our voice of weeping. As the tempo of these inner voices accelerates, so must the tempo of the voice of our assurances. God hears our weeping; so God will respond. These seductive inner voices are the voices of iniquity, seeking to draw us into the sin of doubt and fear. But we shall not be moved. Our God hears and He is mighty to save. Hallelujah.
Silence those voices, dearest in Christ. Silence them!
‘Lord, I will not give ear to the voice of these evil workers. I shall not slight nor taint your name by projecting you as unfaithful and unreliable. These lying voices are from the devil and though they whisper within my soul, I refuse to give them space to dwell, because I know you hear the voice of my weeping. Yes, because you hear my cries, I am satisfied that you will respond in your good time and in your way. In this is my rest. Amen.’