DAY 5: Restless

December 11, 2016

‘Oh Lord; now I understand where You’ve been trying to bring me and where You’ve wanted to take me away from. Oh blessed Lord, take me away from the desires and passions that bring such delights that replace Your inner joy in my heart. Free me Lord from all the addictions and loves that have filled me with pleasures that make the longing for the Ultimate Pleasure, a non-essential. Stir in my bosom again. Grant me the acute pain of hungering after You; give me the personal dissatisfaction from earthly and human delights; stir in me the restlessness that will keep pushing me forward into a deeper longing for a deeper experience of God. Take me away from the cold assumption that all is well with me when in reality, I am cold and dry and empty of the deep infilling of God.

‘Lord I am not satisfied and never allow me to become contented with promotions or positions or prosperity or preaching of the gospel. These satisfactions are thieves, for they rob me of the longing for more: the longing for a deeper experience of God. I want You, Lord. I want God, not ministry or recognition. I want more of God, not the fame and applause of men. I want more of God, not better finances and comforts of this life. If I must move beyond this low living, I must break out of the present situation and long for what is beyond. I want, and I need more. O God, give me more of You. Please. Let the pain for You never subside until I capture the deeper recesses of God. This, I cry for, in Jesus name. Amen.’

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