“Daily decisions are like seeds sowed into your destiny. Don’t downplay the power of small daily decisions. Many...
Wondrous Mercies
“Thank You my Lord for You do great wonders and Your mercies never fail. I rejoice in You because whatever wonders are...
Joy, is not in having everything you want. Joy is waking up, and knowing that your life has purpose, meaning and...
Depend On God
God is calling us to live in constant dependence on Him. We were created for this posture. “Living in dependence is...
Day Of Trouble
Psalms 102:2 (NKJV)Do not hide Your face from me in the day of my trouble; Incline Your ear to me; In the day that I...
Simple Guidelines For A Healthy Life
Schedule quiet time for and with God in an orderly way. Don’t leave it to “when I have time.” Make reading your Bible,...
God can be vulnerable. God has feelings and expectations. God has a tender heart and God is looking for people who can...
A Prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas: A Prayer for Reflection
”Pour forth a ray of Your brightness into the darkened places of my mind; disperse from my soul the twofold darkness...
Desire More!
Desire More! Only the dead are satisfied. Contentment is not lack of desire. Every human being has desire and as long...
Satan is the father of lies
Satan is the father of lies. As pilgrims, we must constantly discern when he is speaking to us and refuse those inner...
To cry “Maranatha” is not escapism as some have postulated. It’s the cry of the Bride and the Spirit. It’s incredible...
”Revival is the practical manifestation of the power of God on earth. This world is full of strife, pain, bondage and...
Have faith
Have faith. God wants to do much more with you than you can imagine and you are currently experiencing. Give what you...
“I cannot have peace until I have entered into & manifest God’s full potential for me in Christ. I cannot have...
Despite the Chaos!
”God commanded His people to praise Him while Jericho still stood. God’s strategy is that we see, feel, acknowledge...
Dynamics of Growth: A Personal Reflection
Part of my deepest cry is that the Church of God grooms more market place apostles and environmental changers. We need...
From Boys to Men
There’s a generation of men who have refused to grow up and become independent of their “mothers.” They have enjoyed...
5 Important Life Disciplines!
1. Work-Rest Balance We must work hard but pace ourselves. A broken body doesn’t glorify God. We need to learn to rest...
”You don’t have tomorrow!”
I know this may sound like negative prophecy but it’s not. It’s just a statement of reality. You don’t have tomorrow;...
Keep My Heart Soft, Lord!
“My Lord, keep my heart soft towards You. Prevent me from hardness of heart. My King, teach me again, the discipline...
“Oh Lord, tears well up in my eyes because again, I see how much I have cheated myself. No one cheated me, but I...
I SAY, “NO”!
“Oh Lord, I keep the door open too often and for too long. But I am learning that if I can only walk away from the...
”Lord, We Are Desperate!”
“Oh Lord, make us desperate. Make us people who cannot and will not be satisfied with less than You. Lord, change our...
Lord, stoke fresh flames in our hearts today. For everyone of us, descend in Your fire and burn away every chaff. Fill...
“Be violent. Be violent in your spirit. This is not a call to physical violence but to a higher form of violence: that...
How to spell LOVE!
LOVE is spelt as SACRIFICE. It doesn’t matter how much you say you love someone. LOVE is not love without commitment,...
WHY REJOICE? Easter is a time of great celebration because of what Christ did for us. Christmas would have had no...
CONFESSIONS “You have made us for Yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.”- St. Augustine,...
How To Respond In Times Of Crisis [Learning From Jesus]
Text: John 12:27-29 ‘“Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this...
“The closer we get to God, the less we know Him”- Loren Cunningham Sometimes, just when we think we know Him, the more...